In our 14-year-old professional activity we have taken over first on freelance base by Mr. Andre Hahn personally and since 2009 as TGAP Hahn UG (liability-limited) for numerous engineer's offices, executive companies and developers the following planning missions and have explained:
- Hasso-Plattner-Institue Potsdam/ planning and supervision of heating and sanitary systems for two three-storey office buildings (client: WOWI Haustechnik GmbH)
- Stettiner Carreé Berlin/ planning and supervision of the refrigeration system (cold water and direct evaporation facility) of an office building for 2000 employees (client: VA TECH ELIN EBG GmbH & Co)
- fire protectional audit of numerous public office buildings cooperation with an offical licensed fire control surveyor (client: TPP)
- Paul-Löbe-Haus in Berlin / supervision of control engineering system for an office building (client: Wolfferts GmbH)