In our 14-year-old professional activity we have taken over first on freelance base by Mr. Andre Hahn personally and since 2009 as TGAP Hahn UG (liability-limited) for numerous engineer's offices, executive companies and developers the following planning missions and have explained:
residential building
- apartment house Choriner Straße in Berlin / planning of the modernisation of the heating, ventilation, sanitary and electrical systems for a building with 24 apartments (client: Büro Fischer)
- Multifamily residences Sakrower Landstraße in Berlin / planning and supervision of the heating and sanitary systems for renewal of the warm headquarters for two house units (client: Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung)
- Multifamily residence Hufelandstraße in Berlin / planning of heating, ventilation and sanitary systems for a building with 15 apartments and 2 business units (client: W33 GmbH)
- apartment house Knesebeckstraße in Berlin / planning and supervision of the heating, ventilation, electrical ,sanitary and refrigeration systems for a building with 12 apartments and 2 business units (client: Schlosser Architekten)
- housing area Barnitzer Platz in Berlin / planning and supervision of the heating, sanitary and electrical development of the housing area (client: Büro Fischer)